June 14, 2017


Since inception in 1978, the company has maintained very high ethical standards, business integrity and professionalism.

All our clients are highly appreciative of our services to them. The company has collected several awards from local and international clients.
The company has reached the levels of being qualified for all construction activities in the State of Kuwait, including oil sector.
Oil Sector is the company’s areas of operation.  The company is qualified for all the activities.

36 years of existence of ARABI ENERTECH KSC has been a continuous climb from a small Limited Liability Company to a large contracting and trading company with worldwide reputation.

“ARABI ENERTECH is in the contracting, construction and commercial business.  We are responsible and accountable to provide excellent service to all clients in the Oil Industry and other governmental organizations and the public in a qualitative, efficient and timely manner.  We depend on the highly experienced and motivated staff, best agencies and efficient equipment in a harmonious working environment”
Staff needed for the following.
Job Title Basic (KD) Allow (KD) G.Total KD
Safety Engineer 500 250 750
Construction Engineer (Piping) 500 200 700
Safety Supervisor 300 50 350
Rotating Supervisor 300 100 400
Mechanical Supervisor 225 100 325
Scaffolding Supervisor 200 100 300
Scaffolding Foreman 125 75 200
Rigging Foreman 125 75 200
General Fitter 70 20 90
Fabricator 125 25 150
Rotating Mechanics 200 50 250
Millwright Fitter 120 30 150
GAS Cutter 80 20 100
Grinder 70 20 90
Scaffolder 80 20 100
Hydro Blaster 90 30 120
Rigger 80 10 90
Insulator (Lagger) 80 10 90
Helper / Fire Watcher 60 10 70
Equipment Surveyor 250 150 400
Electrician 100 20 120
Crane Operator 180 70 250
Flat BED Trailer Driver 130 50 180
Heavy Driver 100 50 150
Equipment Operator 130 50 180

Free Food + Accommodation + OT
More Details for Apply the above Jobs:
Please Contact: Al Falah Manpower Supply
9913419886, 9638940591
Item Reviewed: ARABI ENERTECH - KNPC PROJECT IN KUWAIT Rating: 5 Reviewed By: JobzatGulf
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